About Cosec
Founded by the late Bob Keiningham, Cosec has become a go-to advertising "genie in a bottle" for retailers of every size and description. After decades of successful on-site promoting, Bob's unique wisdom and "on the ground" experience allowed him to expertly create a system that simplified the hit or miss task of putting on a successful retail furniture sale. That's how CoSec (Bob's acronym his new sales training method, "COntact, SEll, Close") and its turnkey "AdPac!" (the custom ADvertising PACkage) were born! Today, Bob has passed, but thousands and thousands of successful sales and life-changing sales training meetings later, CoSeC still works like magic for furniture retailers across the globe.
Year after year, decade after decade, sale after sale, retail store owners of every size and description sell more furniture,
to more customers, more often, with Cosec!
Today, Cosec's mission remains the same: honor each client as if they were a part of their family. The unique service you receive from Cosec is not only the first of its kind, but remains the best because Cosec's not an ad agency. Cosec isn't a consulting company. Each special event, from the simple but insanely profitable and reliable 6-Hour Sale, to the months-long Wall to Wall Clearance...every single sale...comes with the same personal attention every step of the way.
When you join the legacy of Cosec retailers, you join a tradition of hard-working people who simply want to sell more furniture, to more folks, more often, while maintaining shoppers' trust and your own integrity. You CAN promote every single month of every single year! Most everyone who runs an event with Cosec will tell you it's simply more profitable, far easier, and heck of a lot more fun than anything their local rep, buying group, or some gigantic national advertising agency could help them achieve.
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