The 4 Easy Steps for a Successful Cosec Sale: 

It all starts with Cosec's unique, time-tested AdPac! If your store meets the criteria for traffic and volume demands, you're on your way to breaking current sales records for your store.

Here's how the AdPac process works
for retail furniture store owners who wish to run a successful high-impact sale with Cosec's first ever and still the best of its kind turnkey advertising package:
First, you'll fill out the "Basic Data Request" form below. That information enables Cosec to prepare an initial High-Impact Event Calendar and Proposal AT NO COST OR OBLIGATION to you.
SOON AFTER sending your free Event Proposal, you'll receive a call to confirm receipt and answer any questions, still at NO COST OR OBLIGATION. You can take all the time you need to decide when to purchase your first Cosec campaign.
ONCE YOUR DECISION IS MADE, we'll get the details of your order and your advertising package will be customized and shipped to you, followed by a call to review the package and finalize your special event plans.
After your Cosec event is complete, it's time to evaluate your sale. You'll receive detailed analysis to begin planning the targets of opportunity for your next successful event. It's important to note that with Cosec, your store is under no "subscription" plan or annual fee obligation like many advertising agencies and consultants require. Cosec is not an agency. Cosec is not a consulting company. Cosec simply helps retailers succeed at your own pace, on your own terms, one sale at a time. 
TO TAKE YOUR FIRST STEP, simply click the link below:
"YES! Take me to the free DATA REQUEST form to learn more!"
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