You're hearing the voice of Cosec's founder, Bob Keiningham,
Furniture Today's "DEAN OF THE 12 HOUR SALE,"
who singlehandedly set in motion a new and improved promotional sale advertising age,
the age of the turnkey Cosec AdPac! Since its inception in the early 1970's,
Cosec continues to help furniture retailers of every size,
in nearly every state and province, make
RECORD amounts of money day after day, year after year.
If you're're either new to CoSeC and curious about how YOU can join all the others
winning at selling more furniture, to more people, more often with CoSeC's EDDMail, The Original AdPac!, sales training, and CoSec's uniquely traffic stopping radio, print and social media ads,
you'd like to continue your journey with the company that's helped you break
sales records in terms of volume and profit year after year after year!
Either way, we hope you find all the information you need here.
If not, we're just at free phone call away at
Because at CoSeC, every day, in every way...YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR BUSINESS!