Planned, practiced, and perfected initial COntact that creates control and builds confidence with the customer.

From the start, million-dollar-a-year sales producers (almost unheard of in stores of their size and traffic levels at that time) emerged from COSEC's DMM PROGRAM! As a Cosec, you and your staff will learn how to sell much more, faster, while having more fun doing it by becoming experts at :

Now keep reading to see WHY the Daily Miracle Meeting (DMM) program refers to

salespeople as "CoSeCs" and see the MIRACULOUS NUMBERS

related to increasing your team's sales training efforts for just TEN MINUTES A DAY!

Why do you want CoSeC to train the your salespeople?
It works like magic! "Cosecs" simply sell more!

You're listening to the 1st "MIRACLE"
sales meeting ever recorded
by Bob Keiningham

The Daily Miracle meetings don't just change salespeople's minds. They change their lives! Feedback after the first "Cosec" training was monumental, even MIRACULOUS, as person after person after person wrote letters and made heartfelt exclamations telling how the DMM's had dramatically improved their sales numbers. And it's still happening today! Like the classics Think and Grow Rich and How To Win Friends and Influence People, the Daily Miracle Meetings offer timeless, unparalleled training that lasts a lifetime.

Some of the meetings Bob recorded (based on news of the day) no longer apply to modern listeners. The new program consists of 289 timely meetings, and still offer miraculous results for all who choose to take the journey. It’s 289 meetings for $795. Less than $2.80 per day for nearly a year's worth of motivation and training in the art of selling furniture for more fun and profit! Here's a peek at a few of the themes for meetings: “Positive Mental Conditioning,” “How to Eliminate Stumbling Blocks,” “Contacting and Better Customer Control,” “Transition Techniques,” “How to Close,” “Product Knowledge,” “Motivation Of The Customer,” “Recognizing Customer Types”. 

Dramatic, knowledgable, and fun SElling that excites shoppers with product features, benefits, and conviction.

The timely, leading, and direct Close that asks, "Have I done enough?" It's a comma not a period.

Dennis Connelly, VP of Business Development for the Dale Carnegie organization recently said this about the benefits of more sales training:

        "We discovered that 6% of salespeople are elites who are great at selling.
        Another 20% are doing well but could do better. 74% are simply failing.
        Most people in that 74% bracket can improve, if they get training."

Nearly 75% of your sales staff would benefit from DAILY MIRACLE MEETINGS. Even your BEST salespeople could to better!

Why wait? You can now purchase a stripped down version of Cosec's original high-end program. No frills. No fancy art or logos. No expensive packaging. You get the entire program at its LOWEST PRICE EVER: $795.00.

​Simply order now. We'll bill you later!
By adding this less than 10-minute a day routine to your current sales meetings, you can multiply money on your bottom line. Even if you decide to simply place the meetings in a corner with some headphones and a sign up sheet to confirm that each salesperson listens before they step foot on the floor of your store each day, the results can be record setting! We guarantee it'll be worth your time, if you just stick with it. 
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Call 1-800-227-6152 or email us at [email protected] to order Bob's Daily Miracle Meetings for your team now, or click "ABOUT US" above to request a phone call.